This summer has been a scorcher! We hope you’ve grabbed the chance to soak up some sun and fresh air, or maybe even jetted off on a family holiday. Whatever you’ve been up to over the break, we hope it’s put you in great spirits for the new school year🔥.
Let’s see what 2024 has in store for you…
With a new year, comes new goals, but we know it can be hard to set goals when the path ahead seems confusing. To help you find clarity, we’re offering every OpenWisdom student the opportunity to book a free 1-on-1 consultation session with our co-founder James Zhang and other senior staff.
As part of the Pathway Mentoring initiative, you can gain access to our team of mentors who are keen to pass on their wisdom from experience as successful high school graduates to university students and beyond.
Your free 30 minute consultation session with one of our mentors will give you the chance to get answers to your questions about:

Subject Selection 📚

Post-HSC pathways ↗️

Resume and Interview Tips 📝

University Degrees 🎓

Career Advice 📢
Whether you’re in Year 8 hoping to understand a bit more about which electives to choose, or in Year 12 ready to tackle on life after the HSC, our mentors are here to help point you in the right direction.

Over the summer holidays, our Maths tutors have been hard at work overhauling our resources. Get ready for an all new look - an old friend, with a new face! No more grainy graphics, it’s time for high-definition learning.
Led by one of our top Maths tutors, Andrew Deng, this recent upgrade has brought more contemporary content and design into the equation (no pun intended 😉) so that you know you’re being guided with the latest and most applicable content and questions in an easy to work with format.

We want to make sure the questions that are provided are relevant to possible exam style questions but also interesting to students. Nobody likes doing questions just to fill time, so we want to make sure we have a variety of questions that incrementally become harder in order to challenge students to really think outside the box for those top marks!

The team has carefully considered how to make our Maths booklets more appealing to students, and the design has been a huge factor!
Key updates include:

We hope this aesthetic and functional redesign engages and inspires you with more excitement to learn Maths! With Year 8 Algebra and Year 10 Non-Linear Relationships currently in the works, Maths students are in for a treat in 2024.
Love the changes? It's your turn!
Book a free trial lesson with us today!
Looking back on 2023 -
Our best year yet!
We couldn’t be more proud of the success that our Class of 2023 achieved in the HSC. Across the board, the 2023 cohort saw an average assessment mark improvement of 28%. The efforts of these students goes to show that consistent and incremental improvement is the key to success. Let’s put our hands together for these particularly stellar performances!

Join today and turn your learning into triumph!

Across the January school holidays, Year 7-10 students have been working on their unique ICT-powered interactive narratives and advanced literature presentations under the guidance of two of our experienced English tutors, Paul Kim and Bill Scott.
These two successful programs were the first in a series of Ripple courses, designed to help students build core skills for the year ahead during the break.
ICT and English unite!
The Year 7 and 8 cohort, guided by Bill, crafted their own narrative inspired by interactive texts, with some even designing choose-your-own-adventure style stories. Not only were students taught important literary and visual techniques, but they also developed their ICT skills, each coding their own digital text.
Being introduced to these multimodal text types helped students develop an appreciation for different textual forms. Multimodal assessments are now highly common in both junior and senior English, and ICT skills are highly sought after outside of school, so these students have no doubt laid the foundations for future success.

Paving the Road to Senior English
Our Year 9 and 10 students, under Paul’s teaching, embarked on a rigorous yet fun and engaging course, tackling advanced literature for the first time and learning how to master the viva voce format - a key senior English assessment at many schools.
The students each selected a text, from Andy Warhol’s Fame to Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King. Unfamiliar contexts and advanced concepts were challenging yet fruitful learning moments for the students who engaged in intensive research to unpack their text and develop not only an oral presentation, but deep enough knowledge to be able to respond to marker questions on the spot.
Students concluded the course with a reflection piece so that, overall, they honed three key skills crucial to success in Senior English: independent research, synthesis of analysis and critical self-reflection.
Congratulations to the proactive students who successfully completed the 2024 Ripple course - your work will pay dividends!

Keen on experiencing a new wave of learning?
Mental health break 😊
With school starting again, are you finding it hard to sleep? To help you snooze easier, you can try turning bright lights off half an hour before sleep and switching your phone and laptop to Night Shift or Night Light mode.
Try to avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening too. Instead, if you like tea, chamomile and even lavender are known to help bring about sleep.