Term 3 Newsletter 2022

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Welcome to Term 3!

How fast the year goes by… we swear it only just started yesterday. Hopefully you’ve had a bit of a break from these holidays and are ready to cruise into the new term, because we’ve got some big changes and even bigger news for the future!

We’re reaching a new level

Big News countdown

OpenWisdom has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years. From starting in a tiny office on the other side of the station to our current fourth-floor office, our focus has always been to create a space where students learn, improve and excel.

We are getting ready to announce some big news soon... Get ready for a next level tutoring experience!

Events 🗓️

🤔 Work smarter, not harder 🤔

Study Smart Seminar hero image

Being an independent learner means reaching your goals outside the classroom too. With Trials and Prelims exams looming and content complete, it’s time to focus on what you can do in your own time.

This seminar will focus on smart independent study - how to study effectively and efficiently, maintain your knowledge, identify gaps and fill them at home. Topics covered include:

  • Time-efficient study methods to prepare for senior exams and assessments

  • Correcting common study errors

  • How to build a personalised plan for your next assessment

As usual, you’ll be able to attend this in person (Hurstville Campus) or online from the comfort of home.

Time: 3-4PM
Date: Sunday 6 August 2022
Location: Online + OpenWisdom Hurstville Campus

Register Now

New Blog: Tips, tricks and more…!

We’re always looking to share our 7 years of HSC knowledge in new ways. While we focus on the personalised content that you need in our small classes, there’s plenty of tips, tricks, applications, case studies and more that we’ve learnt along the way that we’d love to share!

Student Wins🏅

It was amazing to see student take the first half of this year head-on and we’re proud to announce that many students have made incredible progress towards their academic goals.

We’d like to congratulate Ayden (Year 11) for making a 13% improvement from his last Advanced English assessment, smashing his goal with 85% last term. Jason (Year 12) also excelled in similar fashion, with an 86.7% in 4U Maths, a result to be commended in a challenging subject. Finally, we’d like to commend Jerry (Year 10) for a crazy 30% English improvement in just 1 term. Jerry achieved 90% in his last assessment and will clearly have many more A range results to show in the future.

Mental health check

Wellness Tip

New Team Members 🤝

New team member profiles

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Click an emoji to let us know how you feel so we can keep improving.